Sister Ella Ogden

Monday, May 13, 2024

Shrek the Goat🐐

Our friend Shelby has some baby goats so we got to see them after our lesson one day. Her boys were so excited to show us their goat named Shrek and I love Shrek💗 It was the best day🙌 also our lesson with Shelby was so amazing. We taught her about the restoration and when we asked what she thought about the first vision she said she felt goosebumps and believes it's true! The spirit was so strong and the spirit confirmed to her that what we were saying was true!! It was such a powerful lesson.

We had a nerf gun war for YSA game night and that was so much fun. Some people really got into it and it was funny. We started a new transfer too so we have some new missionaries in our zone which is exciting! Also we went to this Amish town on Monday and shopped around and it was so much fun. I love meeting Amish people and we found some Amish baby dolls that were funny.

Also Sister beach and I totally slept through a tornado Monday night. We woke up to some missed calls from our member and we have some other Sister missionaries that live nearby so we stopped by to say hi in the morning and they were just getting back from a members home. Turns out there were tornado sirens and warnings going off and we just completely slept through it all😴 but we're still here so yayyy

Our friend Blake came to church and we also had a powerful lesson with him and one of our members!! Working with members is the best👌 we met some interesting people this week- some wanting to bash us and tell us we're wrong but we were just not having it lol. People always be hating but we just move on. But people are also so sweet and tell us we're angels so we get the best of both worlds😁

Love and miss you all!!

Tuesday, May 7, 2024


Ok first off transfer news... Sister Beach and I are staying together for ANOTHA ONE!! we were so excited because we have so many amazing people we're teaching right now and we've seen so many miracles this transfer!! Plus we have so much fun and all the Sisters in the zone are staying too🥳

This week was crazy but so much fun! We had mlc+ on Tuesday so we had mission leadership council during the day then we went to President Gallup's place and played games and had a testimony meeting!! It was so much fun and we got to compete against all the other zone leader/stl teams. I almost won at limbo and Sister Beach crushed it at the pie eating contest😤🥧 We had a testimony meeting at the end and it was raining and then the clouds cleared and the sky was SO PRETTY🙌

Also our friend John is already a missionary!! First off he came to a baptism and he thought it was cool. We had a really good lesson with him the night before and he goes "this might sound weird or crazy but I just feel at peace when I'm with you guys"🥹 We told him thats' the Holy Ghost and how he can have the gift of the Holy Ghost too after he's baptized!! Ok but also he invited his friend Paul to church and now we're teaching him too!! I love how John is already sharing the gospel with his friends! Our friend Blake came to church too and it was so awesome- church is the best 👌 

Also we had some uncomfy moments... we visited our friend Mitch (who's like 40 years old) and we talked about church and it was such a good visit until the end. We shook hands and he goes "also you look very cute today but don't tell your boyfriend I said that" Sister Beach and I just looked at each other and walked away😐 Then on Saturday we had a luau with our ward and this old man came up and asked if he could give me a Lei the traditional way- I had no clue what that meant so I was like sure. And then he slowly leaned in and put the Lei around my neck and kissed my cheek- but it was SO SLOW. It was painfully awkward!

Besides that this week was so awesome and so many tender mercies.

Love and miss you all💗

google photo album

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

tornado season 🌪


Missouri weather is kinda funny. I feel like we got 20 tornado warnings over the weekend but not much happened. I mean there were some pretty bad storms but no tornado yet😔 Sister Beach and I really want to see one!

Anyways this week was just full of so many miracles!! Our friend Shelby and her two little boys came to church! She lost her dad a year ago and she wanted to learn more about God and she's loving the Book of Mormon!! She has a son who's almost 8 and he wants to learn about baptism too. Both of them have mullets and they're just the cutest little boys with their cowboy boots- they're so funny too.🐮 Shelby loved church and the talks were so inspired because the spirit really touched her during the meeting. Everyone was so sweet too and they were so excited to meet her!

Also our friend Blake came and he's so cool!! We had some awesome lessons this week. It's honestly crazy how much the spirit works on people. There's been a few people that we thought would not want to learn anymore but then we show up with a member and suddenly they're reading the Book of Mormon and interested in learning more. There's been at least 3 friends who's hearts have truly been softened and they're willing to learn more. Working with the members has been so powerful too because their testimonies are so strong!

This work is so amazing!! I've been able to see God lead us to people who are ready for this message. Missions are definitely exhausting and hard but it's also so incredible that we can be instruments in helping others come unto Christ!!💗

Oh also we finished that rap video I mentioned from like a couple months ago but I forgot to add it haha so I put it in my Google photos if you wanna watch our awesome masterpiece😎

love and miss you all!!

Monday, April 22, 2024

No Fish🐟


We've gone fishing for the past couple weeks and I still haven't caught's embarrassing. But it's OK because just going out and chatting is the fun part. I did catch a big tree branch though so that was fun😁 everyone was screaming telling me to pull it in! I thought I caught some big fish - it was still the biggest thing anyone caught that day so #blessed🎣😎

This week was actually so crazy busy and I know I say that every week but they just keep getting better! The Lord has truly been magnifying our efforts! We've been going out a lot with members which is fun. We were doing visits with our member Elise and had some cool tracting miracles. The person we went to visit didn't answer so we knocked on his neighbors door and found Christopher who was so down to read the Book of Mormon!! Our next visit didn't answer either so we knocked on her neighbors door and found Becky! Even though some of our visits didn't work out- God led us to those visits to find the people around them! kinda funny how the Spirit guides us when planning and when we talk to different people. I've been able to notice the spirit prompting us to knock on a specific door or talk to someone and when I act on those promptings I can see how God placed them in our path! We found 16 new people to teach this week and 8 of those came just from Facebook!! 

We also had exchanges with the Yellow Creek Sisters so I went with Sister Corder to Chillicothe and it was so much fun!! We visited Marceline which is where Walt Disney is from so that's cool. there's not much out there in the boones but the people are funny👨‍🌾🐄

love and miss you all💗

Google photos link:

Monday, April 15, 2024

Bit by a Dog🐶


This was actually such an insane week that was filled with so many miracles and so many funny moments. First off, I got bit by a dog pahaha. We went to visit this guy Chris and we walked up to the porch and saw NOTHING and heard NOTHING and then all of a sudden I felt a bite on my leg and we just ran as this dog barked at us. Flight or fight mode kicked in real fast and we sprinted back to the car. thankfully he was chained to the house so he couldn't catch up with us, but I just started sobbing my eyes out when we got to the car because it hurt so bad. I didn't bleed but his tooth dented my skin and looked like a big chunk came out lol. I have a big black/blue bruise now so that's fun... we laughed/cried (mainly cried) driving to dinner after that haha. I'm fine though. We were just so confused because we didn't see it at all until it bit me and we ran lol

Anyways, our friend John is on date for baptism for May 4th!! John is literally such a miracle!! We've only been teaching him for 2 weeks but God truly has prepared him to receive the gospel. Everything we teach him he just talks about how it helps him feel peace and hope. We got to feed the horses and norman the cow some peeps and oatmeal cream pies🐄 John is the best and we just love teaching him!! He's so sweet and also we found out he likes the lorax too so it's meant to be that sis. Beach and I are teaching him because we're obsessed with the lorax haha

We saw the solar eclipse on Monday which was so cool and we watched it at Adam ondi ahman!! Also there's a farm in our area that we always pass while driving and they have zebras!! There's another one that has reindeer... people in Missouri are funny🤠 We also had zone conference this week which was so good and I got to see Sister jackson ahhh that was so much fun!! We also went over Chillicothe to do a Blitz with the yellow creek sisters and I got to go with my last trainee- Sister kington!! That was a lot of fun and we met some cool people

Love and miss you all!!